In the new animated film Waltz with Bashir, lead animators Tal Gadon and Gali Eldelbaum manage to bring to life the dark past of Ari Folman – former Israeli army soldier turned award-winning film director. The film just celebrated its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival as the first animated documentary. Ari Folman takes us on a journey into the deepest crevasses of his memory.
One night in a bar with a friend, who confides in Ari, telling him about a recurring nightmare in which 26 vicious dogs chase him, the two conclude there is a connection between these emerging images and their Israeli Army mission in the First Lebanon War. Ari decides it’s time he figures out what really happened. To solve the puzzle that is his past, he meets and talks with old friends and army comrades with whom he shared these experiences. As he delves deeper and deeper into the darkness of his mind, slowly the sometimes frightening, but brilliantly animated and slightly surreal images emerge.